Why Did I Write Restoring the Shattered Self?
I didn’t seek out counselees who had experienced trauma, but they found me! Back in the early 1980’s, when I first started doing this work, very little had been written on trauma and I was floundering. I found a few people and a few resources that helped and over the years it has become a counseling and teaching specialization. Fortunately, more counselors these days are receiving training in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. However, many are still not adequately prepared to deal with the more complicated presentations of those who have experienced chronic, relational trauma and abuse. While a few books have been written from a Christian perspective on how to help survivors of sexual abuse, virtually nothing more comprehensive exists for Christian helpers. So I wrote the book that I would have wanted to read after a busy day; a book that had a good theoretical base but was practical, with lots of case illustrations, and was not heavy academically. This is the result!